Anna Gabrys und Adriana Herman
Der alte neue Alltag in der polnischen Historiographie
The article is divided into two parts. The first part presents a history of studies of everyday life in Poland focusing on the subjects chosen, important methodological aspects and definitions, and sources. The second part concentrates on changes in Polish historiography in the wake of the 1989 events, asking which social functions were assigned to the study of everyday life and probing for the role of social memory. Also, the article discusses in which aspects those studies enriched Polish historiography by accessing new historical sources and by providing new ways of understanding of the old ones, by using new methods (e.g. oral history) and discovering new subjects that had been forgotten or forbidden in the communist era.
Kurz-Bio: Anna Gabrys und Adriana Herman
Anna Gabrys, Historikerin, Doktorandin an der Jagiellonischen Universität Krakau/Polen
Adriana Herman, Historikerin, Doktorandin an der Jagiellonischen Universität Krakau/Polen