Nr. 40 | alltagsgeschichte transnational | Abstract

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Geoff Eley

Rückkehr zur NS-Ideologie: Überlegungen zu einer möglichen Neukonzeptualisierung nach Lektüre des Buchs von Michael Wildt über die Männer des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes

The search for a language adequate to the demands of analyzing German society’s complicity in the violence of Nazi rule continues to preoccupy historians of the Third Reich. From the outset of serious archival scholarship in the mid 1960s, that search has been marked by a recurring tension between on the one hand those arguments emphasizing the »limits on Hitler’s power«, and on the other hand a model of unbounded and generalized societal responsibility for his crimes. This article uses Michael Wildt’s recent study, Generation des Unbedingten: Das Führerkorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (Hamburg 2003), to reflect on the historiographical state of play, arguing that a more sophisticated and searching examination of Nazi ideology should be placed back at the forefront of scholarly work.

Kurz-Bio: Geoff Eley

Geoff Eley, Professor am History und am German Department der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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