Nr. 40 | alltagsgeschichte transnational | Abstract

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Dong-Ki Lee und You Jae Lee

Östlicher Alltag und westliche Methode? Rezeption und Forschung der Alltagsgeschichte in Südkorea

From the beginning of the 1990s, the German Alltagsgeschichte has been introduced in South Korea as one of the new trends of postmodern Western historiography, which some of the critical historians in South Korea saw as a way of escaping from conventional historiographies. Many historians embraced the History of Everyday Life because the historiographic tradition of Minjung history, in which they had already been engaged in a kind of »history from below«, encouraged and facilitated its active appropriation. Korean historians of everyday life have focused mainly on the domination and »Eigensinn« under the foreign colonial rule and the melancholy or ambivalence of the colonial modernity. However, new oral history-research, which coincided with the democratic demand for a coming to terms with the past, will also give new impulses to the international discussion on the relation beween war, dictatorship and colonial and postcolonial violence.

Kurz-Bio: Dong-Ki Lee und You Jae Lee

Dong-Ki Lee, Doktorand am Historischen Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

You Jae Lee, Doktorand am Historischen Seminar der Universität Erfurt

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