Nr. 38 | Antisemitismus | Abstract

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Agnieszka Pufelska

»EU means USSR« – The History of the Polish Anti-Semitic Concept of the »Jewish Commune« (zydokomuna)

At the latest since the beginning of the 20th century exist in the Polish memory the myth of »Judeo-Communism«. »Zydokomuna« encompassed most of the motives of the medieval »Jew-Devil« image and combined them with the modern notion of a world conspiracy. As an amalgam of anti-Semitism, anti-Communism and anti-Russianism is this myth a constituent element of Polish nationalism. Especially before and after the Second World War he played a distinctive role in general political life

Kurz-Bio: Agnieszka Pufelska

Doktorandin an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder. Dissertationsvorhaben über das Feindbild der »Judäo-Kommune« im polnischen Gedächtnis.

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